Of all restrictions on women in the Arab world, driving ban baffles me. They have been restricted from driving, and expected to adhere to it. But, surprisingly, they have said no, and chose June 17 to protest.
In a world where women have no say, they have proved they are really evolving. In those days, they did what they were told to, and that would be it. Even if they were told to move around the streets nude (which would be the last thing they would be told to do, anyway), they would obey. But not again.
"This is only the beginning," said Eman Al Nafjan, a female blogger, who is an unrepentant June 17 driving protester. "The whole idea behind the campaign was that June 17 is the start date. It is not the only day. It's the date when women will start to drive."
This is significant.