It was all too predictable.It happened in Tunisia.Then Egypt.Everybody,not least myself,expected them to go further.Nobody would pretend not to have noticed the political revolution going on in North Africa as the people took their future into their own hands.'Political lords' have had a lot to say,while the media would not be idle for a while.Ben Ali of Tunisia was accused of bad leadership.Mubarak of Egypt was certified guilty of the same sin.Now,what I am yet to know is whether Gaddafi is guilty of the same.
I attended a seminar recently and a professor said something, "Why,all of a sudden,are Libyans angry with Gaddafi's leadership?Are they unhappy he hasn't done well,or are they angry he has stayed for long?If the former is the reason,then no problem.If it is the latter,then they have obviously lost it." And I couldn't agree less.
Going on,he said,"I feel these Arabian 'revolutionists' are being sponsored by whom the world may or may not know". That,I also agree with.
You can understand fight against poor leadership and suffering,but you can never forgive imitation.I hope Libya isn't guilty of that!
Experience the Johnnie Walker & Trace Awards Summit in Zanzibar Through
Onyinye’s Lens
Hey BNers, it’s Onyinye here, again. My journey to Zanzibar began, as many
grand adventures do, with great anticipation. A five-hour flight from Lagos
2 hours ago
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